Warning: Camping season is over!!!
Warning: Camping season is over!!!
Due to a series of misunderstandings ('V: I thought you wanted to go' 'S: I thought you wanted to go!') we ended up camping out in WVA on Saturday with Brian, Shannon, Christoff, and Jaime. The hike was gorgeous and the afternoon weather was perfect. The views from 'The Big Schloss' were fantastic, mountains as far as the eye can see, all of the trees in the process of shedding their green for the reds, oranges, and yellows of fall, hawks spinning in lazy circles below us over the treetops. Unfortunately we should have stuck with plan A which was hike, eat some grub, and drive home. Instead we tried sleeping outside in 35 degree weather. Have you ever been cozy on the couch on a cold winter evening and turned to your girlfriend/boyfriend and said, 'Gee honey, this is nice and warm and cozy here on the couch, but maybe instead we should go lay outside and sleep on the ground. It'll be fun!'
I didn't think so.
That's because its STUPID! and COLD!
Funny moment of the trip:
We were running out of firewood. A car pulls up near the campsite.
Brian: Is that a state trooper?
Jaime: I don't care who he is. If he brings wood, he can sleep in my tent!
Everyone else: uh, ew, that sounded kind of.... dirty......
a moment later Jaime realizes what he just said and his whole face explodes beer in a projectile explosion of spray from every orifice
Anyway, yesterday, after a four hour marathon of pumpkin carving with the kids: