Tuesday, October 11, 2005

freakin monkey

I had so much to blog about earlier, but suddenly i'm braindead and have forgotten it all.

My friend Ang is quitting smoking, which is awesome. Its been 5 days so far so I think she's past the worst of it. I quit smoking about 8 years ago; i'd list it among one of the most difficult things I've done, along with childbirth, buying a house in columbia, and deciding what to have for dinner on any given night. There were two relapses over those 8 years-- The monkey never really leaves your back, just fades out of focus so that you don't really notice him most days. Stupid monkey.

Makes me smile for days:
a rose for no reason :)

Hilariously nerdy conversation of the week (so far!):
S: (picking up sushi with chopsticks) This looks like Obi Wan Kenobi
V: What?
S: (realizing how nerdy that was but, alas, its too late to take it back) um... i was just...saying... this looks like Obi Wan Kenobi...heh...
V: NO. it looks like a Jawa!

nerdiness reinforced. oh well! :)
(... it did look way more like a jawa!)

If only i had a picture of the actual sushi wrap, it would make that story way more hilarious. *sigh*

(low quality) Hiking photos:

that tiny speck at the top is cody

I made these.

yes we are related


At 1:59 AM, Blogger Noam said...

Stop making fun of the quality of my photos! They were all dark and I had to mess with them so that you could see anything. Not my fault.

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Lately you've been craving those heavenly sticks of tobacco. "Give in to the dark-side. It is your destiny."

At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is an awful picture of me.


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