the spreading of the HINIE-V and the unemploymency
Another person added to the list of unemployed people that I know personally, and about to have a baby at that! Does that mean his wife and baby won't have health insurance??
Another story of someone I know personally coming down with H1N1.
This stuff is officially is no longer a case of media fear-mongering, but actual real-life messed up world holy moly what are we going to do crap! Am I the only one feeling all hypochondriaced out about the scary germs circulating the planet right now, spreading like-- hate to say it -- the plague?
This stuff is officially is no longer a case of media fear-mongering, but actual real-life messed up world holy moly what are we going to do crap! Am I the only one feeling all hypochondriaced out about the scary germs circulating the planet right now, spreading like-- hate to say it -- the plague?
This stuff suddenly has been promoted to the level of CANNOT BE IGNORED.
Quote of the Day:
MB: You worry too much. life is life. There are no predetermined answers for what lies in store. You just have to deal with the good and bad. Analyzing the bridge before you get to it doesn't always solve the
problem.Quote #2 of the Day:
MH: (About H1N1) i hate this dang flu! THAT is the scariest thing this halloween!