Thursday, September 22, 2005

sometimes it just pops out

Last week, my supervisor had a huge bouquet of flowers delivered to her office, but wouldn't tell who sent them. This morning, when I walked by her office, I saw a bouquet of roses and a bunch of balloons that said 'happy birthday' and were tied to a teddy bear. I proceeded to my office and asked Shwagon if it would be more annoying to bug her some more about who sent her the flowers, or ignore it and not act interested. His choice was 'bug her some more' so I instantly got up and strolled over to her office, Shwagon following along. This is when everything fell apart:

Shwagon: So, more flowers and balloons, huh?
My supervisor, coyly: yeessss.....
My brilliant comment: Wow, you must give really good head!
My brain catching up: **whoops, that may have been inappropriate!**
My supervisor, turning crimson (and laughing, thank god!): F**K YOU!

I quickly close the office door because, jesus!

My supervisor: I can't believe you just said that!
Me: I can't believe YOU just said THAT!

Oh yeah i skipped the part about shwagon high-fiving me...

All in all, I would still like time travel to be possible.

And no, I didn't break up with Victor. Just got knocked a bit off the ol' pedestal. We're still cool.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger monica said...

OH MY GOD! hahhaha you are crazy! i can't believe you said that! hahahhahhhahahhahaha you nutcase! hahahaha thats a great story tho! so much better than my stories about my do-nothing coworker! :-p

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

We should have done a low-five to follow up or just an around-the-world five. And then I should have pointed and laughed.

At 2:16 AM, Blogger The Baxter said...

i give ballons all the time...the long yellow ones.they are earned. kudo's on the high five!

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Wow, you could have been fired. Hanging out too much with the wrong crowd, I think...

Or maybe it's a reflection of what's really on you mind...?

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Spider Girl said...

Oh, that's hilarious! :)

I just clicked on your blog because I'm a "spider girl" too and I was curious, but I think I'll stay and read some more..


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