Tuesday, September 20, 2005

part III

the positive spin:

1. hurt emotions glaze over and heal into a harder protective shell- wait, is that good or bad...

2. the cats didn't die! life is more important then money. Also splitting the cost with the poisoning offender, making it an easier pill to swallow at a mere $400

3. I have the healthiest kids in the world, they are rarely sick and when they are its minor, like a cold here or there. The worst thing any of them has ever had is the 3 ear infections Jake has had since he was born. Thats NOTHIN! (whether its their healthy vegetarian diet or good genes, I really can't say)

4. I have started excercizing again! I am off my lazy @ss!

5. Had really good bribery veggie sushi, salad, and tempura vegetables and didnt end up doing that much work for it. And anyway leftovers suck, and are gross.

6. all wounds heal with time? or something?

7. My job must not be too bad if I can actually look forward to it after a bad bad horrible terrible tortuous weekend!

A lesson learned: In the end, you are responsible for your own happiness. You can't rely on other people to make you happy, or to put your happiness over theirs. People are inherently selfish and will do what is best for them with very few exceptions. Its just human nature. Even when people do something that seems selfless, it can be traced to selfish reasons, like donating money to charity gives them a sense they are being helpful, which makes them feel good about themselves, or buying your girlfriend/boyfriend a gift so they will continue to be your girlfriend/boyfriend, or so that they will be happy and nice to you which in turn will make your life happier, or even because it makes you feel good to make someone else happy. If you are religious, even God realized this about man when he told them 'be good or you will go to hell' rather then 'be good because its the right thing to do'. I think even when you think you are doing something selfless, if you look hard enough you can trace it back to benefiting you in some way. Please correct me if I'm wrong and just being jaded.

Quote of the day:
"There's nothing more perplexing to me then a box of planks, directions in swedish, and an allen wrench."

haha, freakin Ikea


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Noam said...

By "jaded" do you mean "bitter"?

Not everything people do is out of selfishness. Ok, in a philosophical sense, you can say it is, but it a practical sense, that's just not true. You can say of the person who gives up his life to save a child that this was a selfish act, he was trying to avoid the guilt he'd feel by not acting. But that is missing the point -- people care about other people, they do things for other people, they do things even that harm themselves to help other people. And these are some of the most admirable actions people do, they're what makes the world a warmer place.

And you know it's true!

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, according to the Bible, I wanted to add that God doesn't send people to hell because of the bad they did- sins are forgivable,if that were true no one would be able to go to heaven- because we are all rotten by nature, no one is truely " good" or up to God's standards, which is perfection, we have all sinned in some way. there is only one sin that is not forgivable and that is rejecting Jesus Christ, that's why people go to hell, so ultimatly it is their own choice.
I agree with Noam about people caring for one another- but we all have a sinful nature which often makes our actions self seeking, as you pointed out.
So what happened in the #1, part of your bad weekend? clarify please....

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Johnny Menace said...

its just halfway

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

people are inherently self-serviant. It we don't take care of ourselves, who will?

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

no one.
but i think thats depressing.

i want someone to take care of me, to really care if i'm upset, and not just care because it may ruin their weekend.

i am further proving my original point- look how many times i just used 'I' and 'me'

At 10:56 AM, Blogger monica said...

well shirley it looks like ur going to hell cuz u don't believe in jesus! tho why would you since ur jewish! at least by ur family lines :-p the good news, theres no hell in judiasm right? ;) hehe

anyways, i know its not as good as some hot guy bein all gaga and smoochie all over you, but i really care if your upset! I think it might be time for a girls nite out. *hugs*

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just pretend to care for you, I'm really just using you for your money.

At 11:18 PM, Blogger monica said...

PS - speaking of girls nite out.... did you get the spa gift certificate from me and V yet?????

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Actually, Jews do believe in hell, although most Jews don't even realize it. Hell plays no significant role in Judaism, which really doesn't give much thought to the afterlife, except that all the dead will rise when the Messiah comes. (Meaning Jesus can't be it, but I guess Christians get around that by saying he's coming back. Lubavitchers say that too.)

According to Judaism, there is a hell (Gehenom), but you stay there for a maximum of one year.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

I think that I've already been through my one year of hell. 6th grade.


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