Monday, September 19, 2005

part II

A rundown of reasons why my weekend sucked hot monkey, in order of importance:

1. Giving someone permission to hurt me; My unstoppable vivid nausea-inducing imagination

2. Cats accidentally poisoned, having seizures, taken to the most expensive, emergency, open on the weekend, rip-off, sheister, highway robbery, get a second mortgage to pay for this or sell your firstborn freakin vet, total charge $800.

Here is the rundown from the initial estimate:
Emergency fee:
Examination fee:
Cage Setup:
ICU Level 2:
IV Catheter - Peripheral:
IV Fluids (1st bag):
IV Fluids, Additives (per bag):
CBC with Differential:
Chemistry Profile - Critical Care:
IV infusion pump (per night):
Bathe Off Toxin:
Methocarbamol (Robaxin) Injection:
Diazepam Injection:
$115.00 per hour
3 at $97.50
3 at $117.00

Thats just for ONE of the cats!

3. 3:00 A.M. + 7 yr old + ear infection = the suck.
It was so bad that he was actually crying in his sleep. Thank goodness for tylenol, hot compresses, and the magic of his favorite lullaby.

4. Going for a run on Saturday for the first time in too long, and being almost unable to walk on Sunday. (first sign of being overthehill??)

5. Someone eating your leftover Indian food birthday dinner that you were oh so looking forward to enjoying for lunch: thanks alot!

6. Feeling #1 throughout #'s 2-7. Not knowing when #1 will end. Pretending it already has.

7. Actually being relieved that the weekend is over and its Monday and I'm going to work (yes it was that bad!)


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Clyo said...

Funny blog, Spider Girl. I believe that profile you posted that says you're super critical of yourself.

If things keep going bad to worse you might want to get a copy of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, just for the heck of it.

By the way, it's not my book, I didn't write it, it's not religious, I've never met the author (Joseph Murphy) and I get nada from suggesting it.

I stumbled onto it twenty odd years ago when I was around your age and it helped me get a handle on why life was such absolute crap and so often really annoying.

Good luck,

Clyo's website

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Awful stuff. But the good thing is, every one of those things works out ok in the end! (Except the Indian food, but buy a replacement, it's on me.)

At 7:37 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

RE: to #4.
It is a sign that you're out of shape.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Funny blog Spider Girl. If your problems persist, you can get a copy of "my" book: Your life sucks, then it gets worse, and then you die of cancer.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger The Baxter said...

sorry about this weekend. just what you need...after spending alot cash at the vet. a church freak reccomending you spend a little more cash on "why christ hates me" pamhlet.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger monica said...

eeep! jeez. i had no idea it was that bad gurlie! i don't get #1 - wat was that about?

i hate ear infections - suck sooooo much! thats funny tho that your kid is such a hippie and u sing him marley to sleep :-p hehe your such a good mom!

So is ur dad gonna help out on the bill for the vets? Thats crazy, i had no idea that flea medicine shit is so toxic. wat the heck!!!! Seems like its not a good thing to put on any animal! You have to wear a nuclear suit or something! sheesh.


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