Wednesday, September 14, 2005

stupid google jerks

So, I emailed this really funny Jon Stewart clip to my brother:
Meet the F**ckers
and I told him: 'I especially liked the jab about Terry Shivo'
he responded: 'I preferred his jab about Terri Schiavo. But that's just me.'
to which I responded: 'What's just you, anal retentiveness??'

but, the real reason I bring this up is to complain about Google. Is it just me or does anyone else feel irritated when you do a google search for 'bananna muffins recipe' and it tells you, in giant sarcastic red italics:

Did you mean: banana muffins recipe, half-wit?

ok well, it doesn't really say call you an idiot outright, but still. I can read between the lines.

stupid google jerks.


You know how when you are little, and its your birthday, and you wake up in the morning and examine yourself in the mirror to see if you look different, older, more mature, more like a 12 year old then an 11 year old, and the answer is always no? you look and feel exactly the same as you did yesterday? Well, for the first time in my life that's not true. I *do* feel different today, now that I am officially a 30 year old, then I did two days ago when I was still 29. (I didn't feel this yesterday because I was still numb!) Well, according to people older then me, I should cheer up, 30's not that bad, 31 is worse. Gee thanks i feel much better now!!! its hard to indicate sarcasm without using inflection, so I'll just make sure its understood that last statement was oozing with sarcasm.

But I did discover, after a nice b-day evening involving flowers, a surprise dinner at a Nepalese restaurant called Kumari (in Mt. Vernon) with friends, bellydancing right at our table that included balancing a sword on her head the entire time, even laying down backwards on the ground and getting back up, all without using her hands or dropping the sword. Unfortunately she looked like she was from Ohio not Nepal, but whatever! An added entertainment value was watching V as he desperately tried to not upset me on my birthday when the belly dancer shook her breasts in his face, by sort of trying not to look, but plainly having no way to accomplish that. hehe. And a gift certificate for a spa massage, manicure and pedicure! shweet!

One thing I learned: my boyfriend has a secret hidden life that no one knows about--- as a undercover secret masseuse operative. Last night I asked for a b-day massage, and was expecting the usual 4 minute 'lets get this over with-ok my hands are tired now' massage, but no, I actually got an extended, well executed massage, which included shoulders, back, arms, legs, and hands. He wouldn't admit to it but I know he's got a secret identity. By day: Vic, mild mannered transportation planner. By night: Veektorrr, lord of the massage. I know why he has tried to keep this a secret for so long, because now that I know... there's no going back! mwahahahahha!

and in other awesome news, ridiculously funny things still happen in the world!
Like this:
Man Uses Sword to Rob Restaurant Patrons
god I hope he demanded the money in a pirate voice. thats the way it happened in my head anyway!
"Arrrrr, hand over yeer wallets, ye scurrrvy dogs!"
thats the best.


At 11:59 AM, Blogger monica said...

hahaha you crazy! i like that google does that, cuz sometimes it gives you other alternatives that you might not have thought of - sometimes things are spelled 2 ways. The REAL annoying thing is that ur bro said that! I woulda reached thru the computer and b*tch slapped him! hahaha

At 12:06 PM, Blogger monica said...

PS - for the record, *I* said that that 31 and 32 and 33 have been great! After all that Stu and I went on for like 15 minutes about how 30s are so much better b/c you are more comfy with yourself and you actually are getting into a real career path - all you took from that was his ONE comment about how HE had a harder time turning 31?!??!! what!??!?! Stop that! 30s are great!

Besides, you should feel blessed that you have been around for 30 years so that you could experience brilliant things like ipod's!! and blogging!! and having the chance to raise two amazingly awesome kids who already do and are going to keep on being out there spreading more good in this world!!!!

PPS - mmmmmm hot penis action on men in tights!!!

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the people from google ever disclose what a bad speller I am---I'm sure to be fired.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Well, Shilray, it's a good thing you don't care when people spell names wrong. For now on, I'll just call you Chili Moore.

That "30's are better" thing is baloney. 30s are the same. You'll get over the shock and see life just, you know, goes on, same as before.

So, now that you know that about Victor, you won't be needing that spa thing anymore, right? Let me know when I can pick it up.


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