Thursday, June 30, 2005

Cool things

An aye-aye, the largest nocturnal primate in the
world and one of the strangest mammals on the planet

1. Google Earth
Fly from space to your neighborhood.

2. $5 bus fare from Baltimore to New York
With gas and tolls it costs at least $60 if you drive

3. 50 Fun Things To Do With Your iPod (besides listening to music with those white earbuds)
Obviously only interesting to those of us who have iPods

4. The Cloak
Safely view porn at work (just kidding!) but it will get you into sites blocked by your company's firewall!

5. Really, whats the difference?

6. Someone paid this guy $37,375 to use his forehead as advertising space!

8. Urban Asshole Notification Cards

9. Freecycle
Get things for free, get rid of your crap for free. Everything from books, furniture, plants, VCRs...Very hippy. Join a local group and stop contributing to our throw-away society!

10. And finally, a politician, in a horrendous mistake, expresses his actual opinion

I hope you enjoyed this slack-at-work material of the day.
-The anti-cheerleader


At 12:07 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

I'll take the human extra value meal #1

can I get fried with that?

At 3:23 PM, Blogger monica said...

so when are we goin to NYC?!?! how about Live 8 in philly 2morrow?! lets go!

At 5:17 PM, Blogger DarkTortoise said...

Sneaking around the corporate firewall sounds good, unless you're a high school student, in which case it's a felony:

At 5:18 PM, Blogger DarkTortoise said...

Oh, and I didn't see those packages on the shelf at Whole Foods. I guess people aren't organic enough.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

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At 8:31 AM, Blogger Kevin said...


At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't gollum an an Aye Aye?

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

Pedro Jr,

É embarrassing a mim que América não está no forefront desta tendência, conduzindo à maneira para que outros países sigam. Nós seremos sempre o país abr-ocupado, tolerante que eu desejo que nós éramos?

*sigh *

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

can you bablefish in portugues


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