Tuesday, July 25, 2006

evil in the form of silly aging frat-boy?

I was thinking about George Bush today, and how part of me just thinks of him as EVIL while the other part of me just thinks, moron. Evil world leader greedy warmonger and half-wit moron just don't really mesh in my head, its confusing. On the Daily Show the other day, they played two clips side by side to show the incongruence of the two statements, one was about his anti-abortion stance because 'killing is wrong' and he wants to have a 'culture of life'. The second clip, he was being asked how many Iraqi civilians have been killed so far as a result of the war in Iraq, to which he answered glibly, 'around thirty-thousand civillians.'

Thirty thousand civilians killed, over what most people now believe to be monetary gain through oil interests. Not to mention the sanctioned torture in over-seas prisons. When I think of these, I start to see evil George bush, growing in size, a shadow over his brow, lit from below as his giant head looks over the explosions and curling smoke rising from the streets of Iraq, his face darkening as a greedy smirk spreads across his lips, moooahhahahahAHHAHAHAAH!

Then I read all of the ubiquitous news reports his moronic behavior. At important dinners with the most important and influential people in the world, talking with his mouth full and using profanity, sounding for all the world like someone who is commenting on a situation that they only read the headline to that morning on the way out the door. Or giving an unwelcome shoulder rub in full frat-boy style. These images juxtaposed against each other leave me feeling discomposed.

On a lighter note, finally a movie that I totally want to see! Its called, Little Miss Sunshine. Who wants to take me? Reviews.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger SuperWife said...

I think Cheney is the evil behind the (puppet) moron. Dubya is just dangerously stupid (in selecting his advisors...or having them selected for him) and a zealot who believes he is on some religious crusade to save us all from ourselves...no matter what we may believe. It's so very frightening. I just want so badly to wake up.

The Daily Show clips you note must have been pretty hard to watch. What a great way, however, to illustrate the point that he has regard for some life...just not the darker hued peoples of the world. They don't count. Ugh! I'm embarrassed to be represented by him. I mean it.

At 2:51 AM, Blogger Noam said...

You think evil people can't be morons? If you ever watch "Cops", you'll know they usually are. I bet you Saddam Hussein did damn fool things all the time. But you can't just call him evil, since the Republican party gives him unqualified and wholehearted support. Are they all evil? No, this is their ideology, which in common with the ideology of the terrorists, believe that any evil is justified and good when they do it, because it's done for a good cause.

The Daily Show thing wasn't about abortion, it was about stem cell research. Anyway, I always wonder about people who oppose abortion but think nothing of the misery and death they inflict just because they feel like eating some meat. It's easy to criticize what other people do, but harder to change yourself.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

i dont actually know my brother's opinion on abortion or stem cell research, but from his comment it sounds like he is mirroring your earlier comment:

"ok but on that [eating meat] thing- how many [animals] will be [killed] this year? like [billions]? not saying killing in [human babies] is ok, but there are two wrongs here"

At 4:40 PM, Blogger monica said...

i'd love to take you to go see that movie! :)

At 1:46 AM, Blogger Noam said...

Yeah, who said I'm pro-abortion? How did you read that into what I said?

Also, the vegetarians I know care about human life -- of course they do, they're caring people. I'm sure that dumb and mean vegetarians exist, but in general they're far more respectful of all life. After all, humans are animals too :)


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