would you like some meat with your meat?

I understand that most americans are raised eating meat and see nothing wrong with it.
HOWEVER, why is it that every dish at every meal, even salads, have to include meat?
Even if I ate meat I think that would be gross and overkill (excuse the pun!).
Also, it *can't* be natural or healthy for our bodies to eat that much animal protein.
The real reason why I am bitching is because after spending hours planning and decorating for a coworker's bridal shower, every single frigging dish brought in or bought by the company has meat in it. Every soup, every salad, casserole, wrap, everything but the chips and cheese tray.
So thats what I get to eat. Brownies, cheese, and potato chips. Oh I think there might be corn, hooray.
Who the heck wants a plate full of fried chicken, baked chicken, meatballs, chicken casserole, taco salad with ground beef taco soup on the side?? Vomit.
Might as well unlock your jaw and swallow a kangaroo.
Sounds lovely, where can i get a plate with all that beautifully delicious meat from?
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