Thursday, June 01, 2006

I think its worth it...

I made this person !
All of the hassle, finding programs, filling out forms, getting doctor notes, paying fees, driving here and there, sitting around waiting for it to end, buying equipment, arguing with their dad about why I sign them up to programs that take place on 'his days' and now he has to drive them around and be hassled... Often its exhausting, but I think the long term and short term payoff is big.

I really think its good for them on so many levels, both athletically/physically, mentally, socially, etc. They say that kids involved in team sports are far less likely to get involved in drugs and hanging out with the wrong crowd. I think it raises their self esteem (the look on J's face when the owner of the Karate dojo said that he wants to put him on scholarship because he does his forms better then the red belts was priceless), keeps them in shape, makes them feel capable, gets them away from the computer/TV/playstation. Also, they look damn adorable in the little uniforms :P

Mainly, I am trying so hard to avoid making mistakes I think my parents made. Either they didn't know better, weren't pushy enough, or didn't have the resources, but I wasn't involved in any extra-curricular activities and I'm sure that played a part in all of the trouble I got myself into back then. I'm sure I'm making my own mistakes with them, and nothing guarantees they won't turn into monsters upon hitting puberty, and that, like everyone else, my kids will attribute their failings to my bad parenting and their successes 'in spite' of having me as a mother, but if I can somehow keep them on the right track I'll at least personally feel like I've done an OK job. Phew, parenting is hard, and annoying, and expensive, and wonderful, and rewarding! I hope I'm doing alright!


At 1:15 PM, Blogger monica said...

you're doing more than alright! ur kids rock!

so wat mistakes do you think that ur parents made?

of course its easy for me to say since i am on the outside looking in (just like you are when i talk about the cluckiness i deal with), but i definitely think that they tried/try their best. they are definitely good peeps. but u know, they are human and each of us has our own issues and ways of being. i bet tho, that they were shaped by their parents and they did things differently in the hopes of making things better for you guys than they had it.

in the end tho, they are family and by default family members make each other crazy. its just the way it is and likely always will be. just the universe having a little fun screwing with us. LOL

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My parents have had a huge effect on my life but for every bad effect there are many great ones. I'm aware of both the good and bad and I try to make sure they know about the good.

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Noam said...

I remember doing a ton of extracurriculars. While I can complain about my parents as much as the next guy, I can't see how any of their "mistakes" affected my life. My battles against their injustices perhaps strengthened my own sense of justice. That's all I can think of.

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are actually a parent. You'd never know with the all of the social activities listed in your blog. I,m a mother and don't have half the open time you seem to have.


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