Friday, June 02, 2006


Click here for an interactive fortune teller (from hell)

Tired of rock-paper-scissors the old-fashioned way? Ever have the urge to throw in something like, 'nuclear bomb' ? I know I have. But when I do, the game always turns crazy like, 'Rock-paper-scissors-POOP!' or 'Rock-paper-scissors-UGLY CHICK!' (of course I am playing with children!)
I'm all for creativity but, how do you know who won? Does paper beat poop? Does rock beat ugly chick? It all gets very confusing. Thankfully, some dude with way too much time on his hands has SOLVED THE DILEMMA!

Last night the non-stop popping and crackling electric rolling thunder sounded like the civil war was taking place at the inner harbor. Very unsettling.

Today in Catonsville while hugging goodbye along the road, someone yelled out, 'Get a room!' followed by someone else yelling out, 'Ah, just f@#K her right there!'

Nice, jackass.


At 7:01 PM, Blogger Noam said...

I don't understand. Why does paper beat the devil? Why does sponge beat a gun?

Did you get a room, or did you, um, not?

At 11:54 PM, Blogger Tai said...

Another SPIDER GIRL!?!

Ees no possible!


Glad to meet you.
The Cinque Terre is just as fabulous as your friend says.

Go. Soon!

(Spider from 'spiderinthebathtub' and I are going next year.)

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

why does a wolf beat lightening. I would think that an k9 would get fried if it got struck by lightening.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi shirley :) i'm going to LA! i lived in the woods for 2 and a half weeks in the rocky mountains outside of boulder colorado and now it's time for the polar opposite i suppose. sorry i don't think i'm coming to israel! ima bribed me not to. i understand though, it would have been realllly expensive to fly me, and only for like less than 2 weeks. but i'll see ya later! miss you!

At 11:46 AM, Blogger monica said...

that is like WAY TOO MANY choices and rules to follow! I think i like the make up ur own version of the game better. so watch out cuz next time ima hit you with a rock paper crack-ho beaaatttchhhh!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger monica said...

PS - W and I got hollered at like that in DC one nite. it was hilarioius. the guy started offering us a room to use and then said that he'd even find some girls for the other guys we were with! hahaha


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