Wednesday, June 08, 2005

...and now for something completely different

Because of a movie that I just saw, I'd like to take an informal poll.
Here it is:


Is it inevitable?

I think most people out there have been cheated on at some point in their lives (I know I have), and some have cheated on others (NOT ME!) But I'm not judging... Some have had relationships with people although they knew that person was cheating on someone with them (in my opinion, the responsibility lies with the cheater, not the person they are cheating with).

So, if you want you can remain anonymous, but leave a comment as to whether you think fidelity is possible in a long term relationship (like marriage), and at least say whether you are male or female, even if you remain anonymous. Also you can add whether you have been cheated on, or have cheated on someone, or dated someone you knew was cheating. Also, if you cheated, did you feel guilty? If someone you loved cheated on you, would you walk right out the door or try to work things out? If you've never cheated, is it a concious effort, or is it just because the perfect opportunity/temptation never came along? Like, maybe you arent out looking for someone to cheat with, but if you were on a business meeting out of town and a hottie was ready to take their clothes off for you, no strings attached, no one would ever find out, would you say no to that?

Inquiring minds want to know!


At 2:53 PM, Blogger ErikWithaK said...

Hey long time reader, first time commentor.

I don't think it takes a conscious effort to not cheat. Youjust to rely heavily on your morals. Assuming one has morals. And if not I'd just chalk it up to a bad night of drinking and smoking banana peels.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger monica said...

first of all, too many questions!!!

1. Yes, of course, fidelity is *possible* in a LTR

2. Yes, i have been cheated on

3. Yes, i spose i have cheated on someone (not proud of that!), tho the circumstances werent typical (i.e. the guy i "cheated" on was/is 6,000 miles away). yes, i lied so its cheating, but its certainly not a typical situation of me being in a day-to-day relationship and goin out to get more. also, my one "ex" says i cheated on him, but i think thats bunk cuz he wasnt really my bf at that time.

4. Yes and No... No, i havent dated someone i knew was cheating (unless i blocked it out) - i have found out after i dated someone that they were dating someone else or married...OR i wasnt dating them, we were just uhm... well doin the dirty deed with them. so i spose to many then that qualifies as a yes.

5. Yes, of course i felt guilty. its not fair to that person, no matter the reason and for me to do it even tho i know wat it feels like to be on the receiving end is worse.

6. In many ways, i wish i'd walk right out the door, but with the one guy for sure, i've tried to work it out - which i knew it never could, at least with him. that kinda betrayal is really hard to overcome. once that trust is gone its nearly impossible to have it gained back - at least for me. theres always doubt and fear.

7. Before, i would have said that it was a concious effort to never cehat, but after what i went thru earlier this year, i wonder if its more about the opportunity. I've had temptation before but that never caused me to do something. opportunity is something else... and not just the opportunity to "get some" or watever, but that the opportunity/circumstance exists within the relationship to even allow for cheating in the first place.

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men are pigs. If given the right opportunity, they will cheat on you. I would like to rip thier balls off and shove them up thier ass, then lets see how many hussy's you can pick up now fuckers.

Not that I am bitter or anything..

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly think that most of the time it has nothing to do with the current spouse/gf. Men are impulsive and by nature not monogamous.

Have I mentioned how much I hate men?

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Mohammad said...

Fuck, I guess I have to fill in a comment from a MANs point of view, not some bitter, old, cheated on used up woman or fruity peter pan dudes.

Yes we cheat. Yes it is natural. Yes I've been cheated on. No I guess it doesn't matter. Women who think their man isn't cheating are typical women, that is stupid.


At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mohammad, wanna go out on a date? You sound groovy


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aside from the few people with morals, I think people cheat in relation to the chances they get. A hottie is more likely to cheat because more people are attracted to him/her. If a person is not attractive, has no amazing qualities, and no charm, they will remain faithful, but mostly because they aren't getting any offers.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Spider Girl there is no such thing as cheating. "TopMackNigga!" the blog

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Spider Girl there is no such thing as cheating. "TopMackNigga!" the blog

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...based on Mohammad's comments i would NOT qualify HIM as hot and yet he seems to espouse that hes gettin the nookie on the side all the time and is damn proud of it. someone would have to be deaf or extremely intoxicated to sleep with him after hearing comments like that! Congrats, Mo, your excessive sexism and warped viewpoints never cease to amaze me.

its hardly about the way one looks that gets one nookie in the first place or on the side.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

ok dont comment on eachother's comments, comment on the blog! answer the initial question(s)!

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

P.S. in the 3 or so years I have known Mo he has never cheated on a girlfriend, even when given the opportunity. He is just being incendiary!

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He is just being incendiary! "

he's oozing poo from his mouth!!!

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...


At 5:19 PM, Blogger monica said...

Kinsey is one of the next movies on my netflix list! i'll have to watch and then comment back ;)

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Mohammad said...

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At 10:44 PM, Blogger Mohammad said...

Anonymous, quit being a baby. I haven't cheated, as far as Spider Girl knows. Geez, the reason women think there are guys out there that don't cheat is because they are to stupid to realize they are getting cheated on. SG knows I use to have a job where I would speak with men who cheated on their significant others. The numbers are high people, really high. As for not lumping people together in a large group. Whatever. Look at history, look at the present. Men cheat, plain and simple. To deny this is really just woman (stupid). OK, that last line was for a little bit of the old incendiary.

How much ass do I get? Not enough. Not enough on the front, not enough on the side. Definatly not enough from behind! Hello, this is why women are so stupid. If a guy was gettin enough ass, he would be less likely to cheat, not more!

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no danger of me cheating. No one wants to sleep with an old, drunk, naked guy who blocks traffic.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

oh come on, it was just a dream! my dreams are *always* wierd!

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

anonomous said, "its hardly about the way one looks that gets one nookie in the first place or on the side."

umm... in an ideal world, this would be true, but in this world, the way one looks has a LOT to do with getting nookie. Not *everything* to do with it, but probably more then the other, more important stuff.

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're hanging out with the wrong crowd. I've never cheated. No one I've been with cheated on me or with anyone else they'd been with. There are plenty of good, honest people out there.

As for the cheaters, there are two kinds, I think: those who give in to their lust, and those looking for another relationship. The first kind are bad/weak people, and you should just stay away from them, because they'll just do it again. The second kind, that's a tough one. What do you do if you're unhappy in your relationship? You should do the right thing, but the way to understand and consider it is more complicated.


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