? emphysema-bot ?
Darth V doesn't look as intimidating when he's standing in the kitchen.
Make my dinner, b---h!
Ok finally I can say this: Star Wars rocked. It was really good. The first one I hated, the second one I hated slightly less, but this one I actually liked. Episode I made me feel like I was watching Saturday morning cartoons. The kid who played Anakin was terrible, no acting ability whatsoever, and had some atrocious dialogue to boot. The aliens were weak and cartoony, (especially the two headed announcer at the pod race.)
Stupidest looking alien ever
And, don't even get me started on Jar Jar Binks. Worst then having the most irritating voice and mannerisms, I was actually OFFENDED by how much he seemed like the old, uber-racist characterizations of black people ("Yes'suh, no'suh, massuh") Didn't anyone else notice that? So offensive!
"Yessuh, Massuh"
Episode II was better, but still not good. More bad dialogue, wooden acting, and painful-to-watch love scenes between Padme and Anakin.
Well, Episode III is by no means perfect, but way way way better then the first two. It is definitely the darkest of the three. Obi Wan Kenobi was much better in this movie, Jar Jar didn't even have one line in this one, and overall, thankfully, it obviously wasn't pandering to the under 10 crowd. I would say more, including my criticisms, but I don't want to give anything away to those who haven't seen it yet. I did gag during the love scenes though. Those were just awful. I mean I literally made an 'i'm puking' face. "I wish it could be like it was on Naboo, when there was no war and all we had was our love" **dry heaves**
But, overall, definitely go see it.
What I'm really psyched about is there was a preview for the Chronicles of Narnia, it looks like its going to be AWESOME. Not out till December though, arrgh!
Read this if you have ever worked in a restaurant
That's Shirley in the Darth suit.
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