Tuesday, August 07, 2007

misogyny or misunderstanding?

So, this is a 'joke email' going around, sent by a married man with the caption 'so sad, but so true!'

Is this flat out misogyny or do previously sweet and wonderful women really turn into horrible monsters once they get to the altar? And even so, would that justify behaviors mentioned above such as 'tips on lying' and 'how to get out of her family events' ?

Perhaps, during the dating phase, things are nice and friendly and all about kissing and movies and going out to dinner and impressing eachother. Never once does the subject of socks on the floor or who will scrub a toilet come up. Once a man gets married, suddenly there are responsibilities (such as washing the dishes) which previously the bachelor was able to let go for weeks at a time, choosing to use the top of an old pizza box he dug out from under his chair for a plate rather then tackle the pile in the sink. Suddenly he finds, when he tries to continue this lifestyle, his sweet fiancee has turned into a nagging wife. Now the man is in a major dilemna- clean up after himself (oh horror!) or say, 'dishes is womens work. now make me dinner!' while snickering to himself and thinking, 'I'll never be whipped!'

Next thing you know, things escalate into a full on fight since the woman feels taken advantage of and overworked, and the man is sleeping on the couch. Of course she doesn't want to have sex after months, maybe years of built-up resentment over handling 80% of the housework even though they both work full time. Perhaps thats the explanation behind the items on the magazine cover, rather than 'women are evil'

Why would a man marry or even date a women if they hate women so much and feel so negatively about them?

Maybe because they want a mother? Instead of becoming grown-ups, it seems these 'boys' are choosing to re-live thier childhoods with their wives filling in the 'mother' role and them regressing into the rebellious youth who expects to be taken care of so they can play all day.

Screw that. stay single, man-boys of the world. You'll make a lot less women miserable and you'll never have to be nagged while sitting in your pigsty eating microwave meals alone in front of the television surrounded by your own filth.

Want me to tell you how I really feel? ;)

-tips to get your mate to help on the homefront

What do you think?


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Your rant is funny. There is so much wrong with it! As an example, let me rewrite paragraph 3 from the other person's perspective:

Perhaps, during the dating phase, things are nice and friendly and all about kissing and movies and going out to dinner and impressing each other. Never once does the subject of socks on the floor or who will scrub a toilet come up. Once a woman gets married, suddenly all those things about the man that were acceptable before suddenly become the end of the world (such as not washing the dishes) and the person she was perfectly happy with must now be changed into someone else so that everything is done her way. Suddenly using the top of an old pizza box for a plate rather then tackling the pile in the sink is a major violation of her wierdo protocols and he must use only objects pre-approved by her and do everything exactly her way to make her happy at all times. Suddenly she finds, when she tries to force her lifestyle on him, her sweet fiance has turned into an uncompliant husband. Now the woman is in a major dilemna-clean his dishes herself (oh horror!) or say, 'women know better than men how to run a house. now do it how I tell you to!' while snickering to herself and thinking, 'I'll get him whipped!'

Next thing you know, things escalate into a full on fight since the man feels taken advantage of and overworked, and the man is sleeping on the couch. Of course he doesn't want to have sex after months, maybe years of built-up resentment over doing all sorts of pointless housework just to please her every whim even though she never meets him halfway and leaves her socks on the floor. Perhaps thats the explanation behind the items on the magazine cover, rather than 'men are evil'

Why would a woman marry or even date a man if they hate men so much and feel so negatively about them?

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Let me further point out that, while I took the role of the stereotype you presented, it was very misandrist of you. Being 'whipped' doesn't mean 'doing your fair share of the housework'. I know people who let their wives control them, and I am always amazed. To me, a relationship is a negotiation between equals, but apparently for many, the woman expects to make the decisions about how to decorate, what to eat, where to go on vacation, and everything else. They want to be the guy's mother, not their partner.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At some point the man has to sacrifice living like a complete animal (eating off of a pizza box is foul) to get the rewards of having a stable and loving home with their spouse. You can’t live like a frat boy forever. If men are that against picking up their dirty underwear off of the floor, they should make their gf's perfectly aware that they have no intentions of getting married. Men have to be retards to think that behavior like that would be acceptable to a woman.

Chics give up plenty too, which I don’t think was pointed out. I don’t, but most give up every Sunday in the fall for football games, give up coming right home from work and having a bag of pretzels for dinner while watching sex and the city reruns, most give up the pampering at the salon to save money and time for their family and a million other things..BUT MOSTLY..chicks have to be made to feel like a bitch when they ask their man to pick up his goddamn drawers off of the floor or god forbid put a dish in the dishwasher. Were not asking them to save the world, were asking for the men in our lives to step it up a notch for the betterment of his family and if isn’t willing to sacrifice two extra steps to the laundry hamper then he isn’t worth keeping.

We may be nags, but men are selfish assholes for making a big deal about cleaning up after themselves.

The End

At 10:53 PM, Blogger monica said...

you go girl.

haha sike. but for real tho... that whole e-mail thing is just flat out, through and through mysogeny. aint no way around it.

you did good on this one gurlie! this is a great post and very well thought out!


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