Friday, April 20, 2007


So, lately I've been to busy/stressed/distracted to blog or read blogs. Very strange.

The only thing I feel passionate enough to write about right now is that I HATE TELEVISION NEWS. Fear-mongering, ratings-hungry, souless, sensationalistic for-sale vampires!
I stopped watching TV news after seeing how they handled 9-11 and how they made me feel during and after that time period, with their useless "code oranges" and fear tactics, hammering you with any info or images that would get your heart pumping and your blood pressure up. Yesterday morning I turned on the news to find out the weather report, and blaring at me from every single network, impossible to avoid, were angry photos and videos of the VA tech killer in menacing poses with guns, getting his wish granted - to spread his message from beyond the grave.

Seriously though, compare the amount of non-stop coverage about some random brainless druggy idiot, how she died, and who her baby daddy is, with the amount of coverage regarding the death of American soldiers in Iraq. Compare the coverage regarding Brittany spear's lack of underwear on girls night out, or a rivalry between Donald Trump and Rosie Odonnel, with REAL NEWS ISSUES like Iran's nuclear weapons program or Darfur.

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a futuristic parody of America written by the late :( great Kurt Vonnegut. Can this really be happening?

Yuck. I'll get my news online, thank you. Or from Jon Stewart! (Read: "IU study: The Daily Show/Jon Stewart as substantive as network news")

Hilarious News Headline of the Day: Drought Advisory Meeting Rained Out

WTF News Headline of the Day: Intruder Leaves Maggots In Home


At 11:14 PM, Blogger Noam said...

For what it's worth, that feeling that the media has gone to hell has been around for decades. Maybe forever? See the great 1976 movie Network.


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