Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm not a psycho

I am not a psycho and here's my proof:

V's ex g/f ("we're just friends!") who I was not very happy about him being her date to a wedding and going out to dinner alone with her when she came for a visit from out of town, in a recent phone conversation, became very upset upon finding out our future plans to move in together. So upset in fact, that she may not be calling him anymore. Who's crazy now?!

In other news, my birfday is coming up and I am inching closer to death. Or, middle age. Which seems kind of like death. None of the fiery spark of youth, nothing gets you super excited, pretty much jaded about everything, less energy, more love handles, take up gardening or spend a lot of time in front of the tely, a wage-slave running around the same 30 mile radius year after year. Not living just wasting time, as the radiohead song says. I would like to be excited about birthdays like in my youth, but they just make you face your own mortality. And inconvenience your friends and significant others into feeling like they have to spend some money on a gift but they really don't want to, even if they are quite fond of you. Birthdays, BOO!


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah she did slightly freak out when I mentioned that. ;) In my defense the wedding was at like 10 in the morning and the reception was in the basement of the church w/ no booz in sight and you were invited to the diner.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LIKE buying gifts for my friends and significant others. I just bought my girlfriend diamond tennis bracelet, she wwas so happy and bragging to her friends and family, and hugging me, and loving it. Totally worth every penny.

Regarding your birthday, think of it this way: You are getting older and closer to death if you have a birthday celebration or not. So why not live it up and party hearty. And suck your friends for all they're worth

P.S. Every ex-girlfriend that doesn't hate me still wants to sleep with me. Or hopes I will change my mind and decide to marry them. Even some of the ones that hate me would sleep with me if I put the effort in.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Abe is bragging.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger monica said...

I agree with Abe! Party it up! :)

and I totally disagree that when you get older nothing gets you super excited. Maybe I am "special" but I totally still get excited about stuff - little things and big things - a really good piece of cheesecake, a song that makes you want to dance, an amazingly huge full moon, really good hot monkey sex with someone you love. All really good things to get excited about! :)

As for the spending money thing... I'd be just as happy, if not more happy, if any of my friends made me something - to me the gift and going out is about the celebration and making someone happy. It's about the time you take to think of something that person would like or getting them something you know will make them happy. It's about taking time to acknowledge someone else who is important in your life, honoring them, and celebrating life with them. So for me, its not about stressing about *having* to get you something, the stress is about trying to find you something that will add positive value to your life.

Seems to me that the only thing that sucks about getting older is that folks (me included) get sidetracked thinking way too much about stupid life shit (like money, wrinkles, traffic, etc) that we have to deal with no matter what...instead of thinking about things of value like friendship, love, laughter, and hot monkey sex!


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