I saw the Dandy Warhols, a kind of a fun 80's synth rock band, at the 9:30 club on Monday. It was one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. I like but don't love them so was suprized that I enjoyed the show as much as I did. During some of it I was - transported. Which is cool. It also inspired me to persue getting some earplugs that are designed to let in the sound while filtering and dampening the volume. Man was it loud in there, so bad for your ears which you know never recover from any damage they are exposed to. Some people who have had enough damage always hear a ringing noise. For some, its so bad they would rather be dead. Some insist on having their hearing cut off completely in order to stop the incessant ringing, its THAt bad. I know i sound old but, you gotta protect what you have !
I took these videos at the concert, not sure if it really does them justice but anyway - short clip
longer and different song if you have more time to kill :P
In other news, punk rock turtle says, "I've only fallen in love twice--once with a mirror, and once with a beer bottle."
Dude, get out of the nursing home. Dont be "that guy" with the ear plugs at a how dude..its MUCH cooler to go deaf.
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