Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Happy Easter! This bring back some painful memories V?
I can't beleive there's actually a word for this.
D&D players, mouth-breathers, chat-room junkies, and socially inept tortoise-rim glasses-with-tape-holding-them-together wearing guys rejoice- let there be... teledildonics!
If I ever walked in on my boyfriend doing this I would kill myself.

I think this might be a sign of the apocolypse


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Noam said...

What, you think only nerds go to prostitutes?

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

No, I don't.
Hugh Grant for instance.
When I was reading that article I was thinking about how most men look at porn online and how this may be the next natural step, for the average man, not just the socially inept.

But, if its ridiculed and considered embarrassing, perhaps the social stigma will keep it out of the homes of most people except the fringe freaks and wierdos!
I hope?
Because, I already hate the online porn thing.

At 3:00 PM, Blogger DarkTortoise said...

You might want to start thinking about how you adapt to a world with that stuff becoming ubiquitous. It may not be all that far off.

I've read a couple of Ray Kurzweil's books, and he talks about this as one of many, many changes he sees coming in just the next 15-20 years. For example, "By the 2020s, we'll be able to greatly enhance human intelligence, provide full immersion virtual reality, for example, from within the nervous system using these types of technologies."

Full immersion virtual reality? Well, there you go.

I've also attended a couple lectures by Kurzweil, and he presents a very strong case based on very strong credentials. I believe him.

http://www.kurzweilai.net if you want to read his stuff for yourself.

At 2:56 AM, Blogger Noam said...

The problem with these kinds of predictions is that they're always wrong.

It doesn't have to be like online porn. It could be like phone sex.

In any case, one "gift" of the internet is that it makes people impervious to social stigma.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait, cows don't lay eggs?

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I dont think you should show Ralphie and the word teledildonics in the same blog post. Thats just twisted.


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