Wednesday, March 15, 2006

roe vs. wade for men?

I keep having dreams about being somewhere tropical, and there is a flood. What does that mean? Last night the water wasn't that deep, but there was a strong current and it was difficult to walk in, almost scary, like you could get washed away. The time before that, the water was a little deeper, and there were all kinds of tropical fish swimming around, and some of them were like, scary eels with big sharp teeth.

Anyway, do you believe in synchronicity, or is it just coincidence? The other day I was reading someone's blog, it was about a new reality show called #1 Single about Lisa Loeb (remember her 5 min of fame with her song 'You Say' which she only got famous for because she was friends with Ethan Hawke who got them to use her song in 'Reality Bites')
Well anyway I was stuck watching it at the gym last night, actually its not that bad. She is a 37 yr old single chick (she doesn't look 37 though!!) who apparently is feeling her biological clock ticking and is on a mission to get married and have some babies, 'right quick' as they say in the south. (P.S. speaking of synchronicity, at the same time they were visiting a sperm bank on Lisa Loeb's show, they were doing a segment on CNN about sperm bank babies, and how this one guy had fathered 19 children through sperm donation! Weird timing, seriously) In this episode she starts dating this guy, goes to the gyno to find out how much more fertility she has left in her, and finds the courage to breach the question with him about whether they share the same future goals, namely children. At first he freaks out and blurts some stuff about it never being the right time, then the food comes (they are at dinner) and he's like, all red faced and saying 'great timing on the food, now we can eat- in silence!' Uhm yeah. So, she is still like, well if you were dating someone who didn't want you to be an actor, you'd want to know right? I just want to make sure we have the same life goals. and he's like, 'well I guess that would be the wrong person for me wouldn't it.' and she's like, 'exactly'. So then he regains composure and is like, 'I want to find the right person, and then yes, everything. After that, everything.' But anyway, simultaneously on another channel (CNN) was a report about a guy who is trying to get a law passed for MEN's reproductive rights. Namely, that if a woman gets pregnant, she has all of the rights- the right to decide to have an abortion, give the baby up for adoption, or keep it, but the guy has no rights. If he wants to keep the baby and she wants an abortion, he has no say, and if she wants to keep it and he doesn't, again, too bad.

Well this guy wants equal rights for men. Not to say, 'you have to have an abortion' but to say, 'I don't want this baby, I want an abortion. I rescind my rights to/responsibilities for it, if you decide to keep it I shouldn't have to pay child support.'

So, is this 'equal rights for men' or 'excuse to be a deadbeat dad' ?

This is awesome- find out what your house is worth, or the house you are trying to buy. Great tool. Thanks Eric, who is now married and just bought a house, and will soon give birth to a baby gremlin.


At 11:06 AM, Blogger monica said...

once someone decides to get it on, using birth control or not, they are taking a chance on getting pregnant. u choose to get it on, you choose whatever comes after. that guys a jackass.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger monica said...

PS - yes i believe in synchronicity :)

At 1:27 PM, Blogger sammygeerock said...

Thanks for the semi-shoutout. I'm a believer in synchronicity, I have way too much of it in my life not to.

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

Synchronicity update:
I was at the grocery store at 11:30 last night, listening to my iPod. Suddenly, it died (batteries ran out). Guess what was playing at that moment over the Safeway intercom?

"You Say' by Lisa Loeb.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Synchronicity is a pre-scientific concept -- that is, the kind of thing people used to believe before they knew any better. Now we have a thorough understanding of the nature of probability and chance, and it has been tested a million times over.

Could something more be happening only when we're not checking scientifically? Isn't it more likely this is just our minds natural tendency to notice and latch on to patterns -- the same thing that makes us see images in clouds can also make us see meaning in coincidence. We don't ever notice the billion times that no special coincidence is going on. So on the off time that one happens, it stands out like magic.

Now if it makes you happy to believe such things, then I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness. But be careful because usually it's the irrational superstitions which get in the way, making you worry about things that don't matter and sometimes making you change your life over what's purely imaginary.

As for birth control, come on. What if the woman lies and says she's on birth control, or sabotages the birth control, is it still the man's fault? You just assume bad intentions on the part of the man, but don't feel the same way when the woman chooses to kill her baby.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger monica said...

i never said he had bad intentions. i said that its a chance he took - any of us take when we have (hetero) sex. birth control isnt 100% and people certainly don't tell the truth 100% of the time either. doesn't mean some guy should get outta payin for something that he had half responsibility for!

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my blog...i don't think you have to sign up for myspace but i'm not sure. either way if you feel like it you can see the pictures i've taken so far in new orleans! some of them are pretty cool of like collapsed houses and shit.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Alright Monica, then -- what if they didn't have sex, but she stole his sperm and artificially inseminated herself? In that case, would it be different? Or does he take the risk every time he fails to incinerate his sperm that someone will steal it?

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Actually, Monica, you might have a point if you were against abortion, then your point of view would be even-handed for both genders. Otherwise, it's hard to find a way you're not being unfair to men.

At 11:48 PM, Blogger monica said...

why do i have to be against abortion to acknowledge that people who have consensual sex have to deal with the consequences. how they deal is another story. my stance on abortion has nothing to do with it.

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Noam said...

Monica, it's simple: If men have to deal with the consequences of sex, then so do women. Or, looked at the other way, if you believe it's ok for a woman to deal with a pregnancy by terminating it, then why can't men? If the woman chooses not to terminate the pregnancy in spite of the man's wishes, then she should be responsible for her choice, not the man.

How about this: what if a woman is kidnapped, her eggs surgically removed, and then used to create a baby via surrogate mother somewhere across the globe that she will never have access to. Do you think she should have to pay child support?

At 11:58 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

Well, so if the woman doesnt believe in abortion, any man who gets a woman pregnant can rescind his responsibilities to providing for the child?

In my opinion, the father is more responsible for providing for his child then you or I am, and taxpayers are the ones who will carry the burden.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger monica said...

OR.... How about this: what if a woman is kidnapped by aliens and taken to mars, made to have sex with an iguana. Is the iguana responsible or the aliens? or maybe its her fault for wearing that short skirt and tight shirt showing off her boobs! damn hoochie!

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Noam said...

What's this about taxpayers? The woman should pay. What should happen in the case of artificial insemination -- is the anonymous donor also responsible for child support?

I don't think the father is more responsible than the taxpayer -- we're both not responsible. Would you say that if an adult gets cancer from smoking, that her parents should pay the bills because they're more responsible than the taxpayer? (They should have taught her not to smoke?)

The law takes the point of view of the child, not of the parents, which makes sense even though it's horribly unfair.

Moral: don't have sex! Ever! If you want a kid, get a goat.


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