Sunday, May 22, 2005

My weekend

Well, I had a pretty awesome weekend. I felt pretty bad on Friday for dissing my former coworkers

Sowwy Kewwy!

whom I was supposed to meet at the Iguana Cantina, but it was late and dark and cold and rainy, and I would have to drive to Bmore by myself, look for parking for a half an hour, possibly wait in line with the striped-shirt crew and their half-shirt-wearing, thong-hanging-out-of-the-back-of-their-pants, barely-old-enough-to-drink-girlfriends, just to hang out for an hour or two and drive back home. But, other then the guilt, everything was copacetic. Saturday I put an offer on a townhouse (AGAIN! click here for a virtual tour:, went for a run, went to a 4 star restaurant called Windows which is part of one of the hotels down at the harbor and had a decadent dinner of spinach fettuchini with noisette sauce, sundried tomatoes, spinach, and oh-so-tender artichoke hearts WOW was it good.

Us at Windows for Karin's B-day dinner

(P.S. more incentive to be vegetarian: my meal was like $20 cheaper then anything else on the menu!) Then drinks outside at Babalu's in the most fabulous weather. Then ------ well, then, a delicious (as usual!) breakfast cooked by Victor starring a mouth-gasm inducing MANGO LASSI home-made and so so delicious. If you've never had one, go to the nearest Indian restaurant and order one immediately!

Then, soccer games in the balmy afternoon sunshine followed by a way too long guitar recital which Cody rocked! He was pretty nervous right before, but once he got up there he was golden. He didn't look worried at all, and played his two pieces flawlessly. YAY Pizza Hut greasy cheese celebration!


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shirley sniffs farts-Angie

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you impress me all the time...

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am a pissed dissed co-worker. i sat there at the bar at Iguana waiting for you Shirwee. I waited and waited, but NO. No Shirwee at Iguana. you decided it was too wet outside. my dreams were dashed and my self-confidence has been destroyed. Shirwee, i guess this means our love is truly over. will i have to start going to Baja instead so we don't bump into each other?! has it come to this?? i already miss you, Shirwee. If i quit my job, will you change your mind?!

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

Mike you weren't even there! you had to get to bed early because of your big day, shopping at home depot, and maybe bed bath and beyond, if there's time...
If you really loved me, you would do beer bongs with us. It feels so good when it hits your lips!

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there. I WAS THERE DAMNIT! and i waited and waited. i am just an unappreciated ex co-worker, hon!

I saw you, standing in the rain...
you were holding hands and i'll..
never be the same...

silly rabbit, trix are for kids!

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Evil Genius said...

that wasn't me.
i would never stand in the rain.

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was you alright. you were standing under the roof of a building. you know, those little overhangs directly next to the building that cover the doors and windows. people run from overhang to overhang to stay dry while walking through city rain. it was you!


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